Taxidermy Barn Owl Installation


I recently completed a lovely Barn Owl Commission, you can read up about this project and what a nightmare I had with it in a previous blog post here

This morning, I went round to my customers house to install the Barn Owl on an incredible piece of oak branch they found and installed in their house!

I was SO pleased that she fit on there perfectly, because normally I would mount the taxidermy on to the piece of wood I intend to use for it’s permanent perch to make sure the feet are positioned nicely on it. So I was pleasantly surprised when it all worked out, especially with the addition of the little vole I added under her talons.

Taxidermy Barn Owl

But in this case I had to do a bit of guess work and temporarily perch her on an old piece of wood I had until I installed her on the oak branch. She looks right at you as you walk in the door, take a look!

Happy Customers=Happy Krysten!