I’m so sorry for the lack of updates recently!
I have been beyond busy completing existing commissions and also preparing for two exhibitions in the winter.
Alongside this, I have also been rebranding myself as ‘Krys the Creator’, giving my art page a bit more love and attention. I made a little promotional video recently, as people generally like to get to know the person behind the social media accounts! you can view that here:

I’ve been developing a lot of really cool projects recently, still playing around with my new found medium of wood and resin. It’s SO fun to work with.
It takes a long time to perfect the casting, setting and sanding through all the grits to polish up the resin again, but the results are SO worth it.
I want some show stoppers to take to the exhibitions and I think mixing wood and resin with taxidermy is a marriage made in heaven. Here’s my latest creation, which is awaiting a gorgeous taxidermy jay (my favourite bird) to go on top. Jays hoard and stash acorns and I thought this was an unusual way of illustrating their behaviour and ecology, as well as looking beautiful.

Art Fair East will be the first of the two events I’m exhibiting at. It’s a very prestigious art fair and I’m so lucky and honoured to be a part of it! I’ll be taking a mix of my fine wildlife art and a few select pieces of my ethical taxidermy.
VIP PRIVATE VIEW Thursday 28th November 6pm to 9pm
FAIR OPEN TO PUBLIC Friday 29th November 10.30am to 5.30pm
FAIR OPEN TO PUBLIC Saturday 30th November 10.30am to 6.00pm
FAIR OPEN TO PUBLIC Sunday 1st December 10.30am to 5pm
The second show I’ll be at is the ‘Nightfair Before Christmas’ at the same location in Norwich. I’ll be able to take much more to this event, including art, taxidermy, my needle felting cuties and jewellery.