So, you’ve just bought home your brand new piece of taxidermy and you love it! Now what?
All of my work comes with a care guide, as standard, but have written a bit of a troubleshoot page on how best to care for taxidermy, too. The best way to keep your taxidermy specimen looking as good as the day you got it, is to invest in a display case.
Not only will this protect it from the elements, accidents and even the temptation to touch it with your hands, but most importantly, it greatly reduces the risk of moth larvae and other pests getting in to the mount and destroying it.

You can see just how devastating the effects of dreaded moth can be, in this example of an ex-red squirrel I have recently replaced for a client.
The fur has been completely eaten away, making it irreparable.
My client was in agreement that this particular piece (Not originally preserved by myself) was too far gone for repair. On his travels in Perthshire, he sadly came across two roadkill red squirrels, which he picked up a few years ago and it is one of these beautiful creatures that I have used for the replacement.
Styled in a similar fashion, mounted on to the same piece of wood (that I thoroughly froze and fumigated to make sure no pests remained!) , my client was very happy with the outcome and sensibly opted for a display case, to prevent this new mount meeting the same fate.
The case was custom made and the diamond shape design fits perfectly in to an existing corner shelf in my clients home.

Custom made taxidermy display cases
I really enjoy making these display cases. I have made a few now and I am thinking about offering it as a service to those who want extra protection for their existing mounts. I strive to produce the highest quality work that will last a lifetime and beyond, and this is the latest addition to my mounts to give them superior protection.
Instead of fragile float glass, I use museum grade, glass look plexiglass, which comes with a range of attractive qualities. Not only is it shatter proof, making it perfect to pop in the post, it also has UV protective qualities.
This is especially good for specimens with red fur, because red pigment absorbs ultraviolet photons from the sun, more than any other colour. This results in degrading and fading at a much higher rate than other colours.
If you’re interested in getting a custom made display case made for your taxidermy mount, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss your options.