Well, I would love to say that after 4 seasons of splinters, sweat and tears, that I am now firmly set up in my beautiful new workshop. Alas! It is not the case.
But, I am closer than ever before! I know that most newbuilds have teething problems, which is more than expected. However, I had this structure built in September 2023 (by cowboys without spirit levels it seems) and it has had no end of problems. I think I have spent more money on professionals to come in and fix problems, only for them to ask me with quizzical eyebrows “...did you get a professional to build this?”, proceeding in pointing out more problems to be fixed!
is only in the last couple of months that we have found out how the water has been getting in and have stopped it from leaking every time it rained. On what as probably been one of the wettest years I can remember, my levels of anxiety have risen with my water butt and it has been far from fun.
I thought you may like to see photos of the progress so far, see below!

Now that it is finally water tight, I have finally been able to have gotten the electrics installed, the inside painted (MANY test pots later!), flooring installed, freezer in, beautiful Natural History Museum wallpaper pasted and my next and most favourite task is to proceed in putting all of my IKEA order together!

It must be said, I am really not looking forward to the logistical conundrum that will be transporting the entire contents of my ‘dead things’ chest freezer back in Suffolk, to my new one here. I think I will pray to the road gods that day comes around, that there will be no traffic jams.
Creativity is fundamental to my wellbeing, I loose a part of myself if I am unable to make things, so the past year of not having a stable work place and living in between counties, has certainly been very, very challenging.
I can’t express enough how excited I am to start my new chapter and new start, unleash pent up creativity and get back to some much loved commission work, of course.
I just hope I remember how to do taxidermy, ha!