Taxidermy Work In Progress, Cuckoo’s & Kingfishers.
This week in the Taxidermy.Co Workshop, we can see the work of two juvenile specimens. A beautiful Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) and a Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)
Read MoreTaxidermy Magpie Commission
This week in the taxidermy workshop, I waved goodbye to this magnificent magpie!
Read MoreThe Future of Taxidermy
This post may be a little bit different to my previous entries, but I think that blogs are primarily a place to express one’s views, so I shall use this space of the internet to voice my personal concerns and observations about some areas of the taxidermy industry.
Read MoreOn the taxidermy bench this week
This week, I have been working on a beautiful magpie commission! Due to my ethics and the clever nature of corvids, I don’t get to work with them often.
Read more: On the taxidermy bench this weekThis particular specimen was found as a result of a probable window strike as it was found in close proximity. I don’t know what it is about corvids, but there is something extra special about them that sets them apart from the rest of the bird families. I adore them and it is a privilege to get to know them inside and out, quite literally.

My superstitious nature made me a little sceptical about just doing one…but the fact I feature two magpies in my logo, have two tattooed on me and the overall resplendence of this creature shall protect me from any bad luck that ‘one for sorrow’ may bring!
Although they are amongst my favourite birds to work with, they are also amongst my most challenging, mainly because of their high contrast with the black and white. It leaves little room for error as lack of symmetry becomes a lot more obvious, especially around the mantle area which overlaps the brilliant white scapular feathers. On the contrary, this a bird that also teaches me a lot, because I can visibly see feathering defects easier and I can more easily adjust them.
Check out the video below for some behind the scenes footage of the taxidermy process whilst I work on this beautiful specimen and don’t forget to check back for the finished article very soon!
Taxidermy Commission Status
As some of you may know from my previous blog post, I have had my commission book closed for some time now and it’s about time I gave you an update.
Read MoreFor Nature Art Exhibition: 20-26 October 2022
I am absolutely delighted to be a part of the For Nature group art exhibition once more this year, please do come and visit!
Read MoreShipping taxidermy and animal products to EU since BREXIT
Taxidermy Diary – General Update
To the lovely folk that read my blog updates – thank you for spending some time with me to be here! This little taxidermy update may not have such a sense of direction, but it is an update nonetheless.
Read MoreHow to repair marble
I recently mounted a beautiful little white Rhea chick and thought that the marble base that I had in stock would compliment him perfectly, but there was a big chunk missing from it!
Read MoreThis isn’t taxidermy! Felted animals from the House of Felts
I know this isn’t strictly taxidermy related, but I am claiming this little nook of the internet to introduce you to the man that has planted the seed in my mind for my next creative journey – The wonder and needle felting artist that is House of Felts!
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